by VERBATIM Editor | Games
John Konrad Kern Signal Hill, California Strip a word of its meaning and etymology and what do you have? You have a collection of alphabetic characters arranged in a unique order. Devoid of definition, however, these strings of letters have virtually no utility. But I...
by VERBATIM Editor | Games, News, Rosenthal
It’s almost time for holiday shopping, so we’ve collated SIX YEARS of Gloria Rosenthal’s “You’ve Got Game” game reviews here in one humongous blog post for you! Here are all the games she’s reviewed — have...
by VERBATIM Editor | Games
The clues are given in items lettered (a-z); the answers are given in numbered items which must be matched with each other to solve the clues. In some cases, a numbered word may be used more than once, but after all matchings have been completed, one numbered word...
by VERBATIM Editor | Games
Dr. P.A. Pomfret 1. Long, narrow : Leptorrhinian :: Broad, Thick : ? (13) 2. Cival : Papal :: Registrar : ? (12) 3. Iron : Black :: Tin : ? (5) 4. Books : Bibliotheca :: Sculpture : ? (11) 5. Gristle : Cartilage :: Grounds of a House : ? (9) 6. Cold vegetable dish :...
by VERBATIM Editor | Games
Here are the answers to 1. Platyrrhinian 2. Prothonotary 3. White(smith) 4. Glyptotheca 5. Curtilage 6. Salade 7. Rotula 8. Lagostoma 9. Milvine 10. Sciatheric 11. Acadian 12. Tocsin 13. Quasimodo (Sunday) 14. Rogation...
by VERBATIM Editor | Games
Gloria Rosenthal Valley Stream, New York By now you have given, received, played and enjoyed all the games on last year’s list. I have a positive outlook when it comes to games; I’m positive I’m recommending the best. The games marked with asterisks...
by VERBATIM Editor | Games, News, PairingPairs, Puzzles, Verbatim Book
I got a call this morning from someone who had picked up the VERBATIM book and needed one of the answers in Larry Urdang’s Pairing Pairs explained. Which I did (possibly even to his satisfaction) … but that motivated me to put up a link to Pairing Pairs...