Review of A Feminist Dictionary

Review of A Feminist Dictionary

Review of A Feminist Dictionary, by Cheris Kramarae and Paula A. Treichler Where to begin? With the unpleasant little entry for lexicographer? With the nasty piece on dictionary? with the inaccurate definition of grammar? the somewhat silly entry at language? It is...
The Twelve Days of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas

We’re not quite at the “partridge in a pear tree” stage of the month yet, but I thought you might all enjoy this review, by Larry Urdang, of Thomas L. Bernard’s The Twelve Days of Christmas: The Mystery and The Meaning, from Vol. XXI/3:...
The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary

The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary

BIBLIOGRAPHIA The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary, by Paul Dickson , 592 pp. Harvest Books (Harcourt Brace and Company), 1999. Hardcover $35.00, Paperback $20.00. We speak baseball all the time. Even those of us who know nothing about the nuances of the game...
A Bawdy Language

A Bawdy Language

A Bawdy Language: How A Second-Rate Language Slept Its Way to the Top, by Howard Richler, Stoddart, 1999. ISBN: 0-7737-3186-5. 208 pp. $15.95/£9.86 As you might guess from the title, A Bawdy Language is a rather irreverent and almost relentlessly topical romp through...
DARE-More Than Halfway There

DARE-More Than Halfway There

Dictionary of American Regional English Because logophiles regularly ask about the progress of the Dictionary of American Regional English (familiarly known as DARE), I’d like to take the opportunity of VERBATIM’s rebirth to bring you all up to date....
Letter Writing Made Easy!

Letter Writing Made Easy!

Letter Writing Made Easy! Featuring sample letters for hundreds of common occasions! Letter Writing Made Easy! Vol. 2: Featuring more sample letters for hundreds of common occasions! Both by Margaret McCarthy, 206 pp., Santa Monica, Santa Monica Press, 1998. ISBN...
Books by Nicholas Humez

Books by Nicholas Humez

Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, and Goldfrank, Edward and Janice, The Boston basin Bicycle Book. Boston: Godine, 1975. Out of print. Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, Latin for People/Latina pro Populo. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976. Humez, Nicholas, Silversmithing : A...
Strictly Speaking

Strictly Speaking

STRICTLY SPEAKING, Edwin Newman, Bobbs-Merrill, 1974, ix + 193 pp. $7.95 [Reviewed by Laurence Urdang] Linguists, especially lexicographers, are bound by a scholarly oath to describe–neither to prescribe nor proscribe–language, and their mission is to...
Scottish Proverbs

Scottish Proverbs

Scottish Proverbs, Compiled by the Editors of Hippocrene Books, i-xi +111 pp., New York, Hippocrene Books, 1998. ISBN 0-7818-0648-8. $14.95 “A fox always smells his own hole first,” my mother, a lady of undiluted Highland Scottish descent, liked to say. As...