Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, and Goldfrank, Edward and Janice, The Boston basin Bicycle Book. Boston: Godine, 1975. Out of print.
Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, Latin for People/Latina pro Populo. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976.
Humez, Nicholas, Silversmithing : A Basic Manual. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976.
Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, Alpha to Omega : The Life & Times of the Latin Alphabet. Boston: Godine, 1981.
Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, A.B.C Et Cetera : The Life & Times of the Greek Alphabet. Boston: Godine, 1985.
Humez, Alexander and Nicholas, and Joseph Maguire, Zero to Lazy Eight: The Romance of Numbers. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993. Out of print.
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